(Română) Ultima transhumanță – feedback
Last Transhumance / last draft
This update is about some screenings of “Last Transhumance” latest draft;
– these screenings will take place during October – November in Romania; which is why the current draft of the film has no English subtitles;
– we will post a new update when we release the final version of the film which will have English subtitles;
– we estimate the following schedule: in the first part of the next year we finish the documentary “Last Transhumance”. Then we will send it to festivals. Then we can launch it to the public;
– because the current draft of the film is only in Romanian and because the screenings will be in Romania, the rest of the update is written in Romanian.
Documentarul “Ultima transhumanţă” e aproape gata!
Vom proiecta un work in progress foarte avansat al filmului “Ultima transhumanţă”:
în București:
– MNAC (Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană) – 23 octombrie, ora 18.30
– MŢR (Cinematograful Muzeului Național al Ţăranului Român) – 28 octombrie, ora 19:30
– Seneca Anticafe (str. Arhitect Ion Mincu 1) – 31 octombrie, ora 18
în țară:
– Muzeul Etnografic al Moldovei, Iași – 24 octombrie, ora 17
– Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Cluj-Napoca – 25 octombrie, ora 18.
– Muzeul de Etnografie Brașov – 22 noiembrie, ora 18
– Muzeul Etnografic din Săcele (județul Brașov) – 23 noiembrie, ora 15.
Acest ultim draft este o variantă foarte apropiată de cea finală.
Am ales să proiectăm acest draft din mai multe motive: unul dintre ele este feedback-ul vostru; acum încă este posibil să mai modificăm ceva. Pentru acest feedback am pregătit o listă cu întrebări – o veți găsi în sală. Un alt motiv este vizibilitatea transhumanței: pentru o cât mai bună răspândire dorim să trimitem documentarul “Ultima transhumanță” la câteva festivaluri internaționale. Dar, festivalurile mari cer ca versiunea respectivă să nu mai fi fost proiectată niciodată, nicăieri. Ceea ce ar însemna o amânare de aproape un an…
Față de draftul de acum, varianta finală va avea în plus:
– posibile modificări în funcție de feed-back-ul de la proiecții;
– mix de sunet al filmului (varianta actuală are mix-ul muzicii și o normalizare de sunet);
– conforming;
– colorizare (varianta actuală are o normalizare de culoare).
Documentarul durează 93 de minute.
Dialogurile sunt în 6 limbi; filmul are subtitrare în limba română chiar și pentru momentele vorbite în română – poate fi urmărit și de persoanele cu deficiențe de auz.
Proiect cultural co-finanţat de Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional.
Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitea beneficiarului finațării.
Update on Transhumance
The time has come for an update on Transhumance.
In June, the second draft of the film was screened in the opening of Pelicam festival. It was a very enjoyable experience and the feedback received was a great help.
After Pelicam, I had to stop a little from the transhumant road and resume Matache project. Recently I launched www.PlatformaMatache.ro It is a website of the documentary project about the transformations in Matache area, a project I have been working on since 2011. On this website you can see photos, articles, interviews, and the documentary film “Matache”. Although the website is in Romanian, you may watch the documentary with English subtitles.
In December, I will resume working on Transhumance, and in January I will return to the edit studio. We still have a little work to do on the post-production of the movie: we need to finish the time-lapses and to simplify the structure, which should be “brushed” for better coherence. Then we will work on the sound: music will be composed, soundtrack will be added and will “enter” into the mix. Now the soundtrack of the film draft is only a “skeleton” , a suggestion .
In parallel we will make the finishing touches to the image: graphics, conforming and coloring. We hope Transhumance is ready in spring and then it will go on the road. That is promotion. The film will be sent to the documentary film festivals, and then we will organize screenings .
In December I will send the digital photos (wallpapers) by email … Sorry, many apologies for the delay! If there are other perks that I “missed”, please let me know. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Transhumant updates
The time has come for “transhumant” updates.
Part 1: Perks.
We distributed almost all perks. What is left to be sent:
– the wallpapers (digital photo with the long side of 1,024 px) – we will soon begin to send them.
Possible errors:
– if your contribution included the album “Last Transhumance” and you did not receive it, please send us your postal address and a phone number (for courier);
– if your contribution included prints and you have not chosen them yet, please let us know;
– if you have already sent us your address and still have not received your perks then we have to see what happened: please let us know.
For all the above, please use the emails to dragos@lumpan.com
For a year and a half we’ve been working on editing Transhumance. That means we have exceeded the timeline we had approximated. But we took big steps forward 🙂
We finished drafts 1 & 2. And soon we will finish draft 3.
There are many reasons why we have exceeded the deadlines that a year ago and a half seemed realistic. Apart from the fact that there is a lot of material, there have been many punctual delays. Below I describe one – because I’m working on it these days: in the film I used, besides the classic filmed materials, many time-lapses. Until now, I worked in the drafts of the film with timelapse drafts. That is, they were “assembled” quasi-mechanically. Now that we have decided what materials (and what timelapses) we will use in the final version we have resumed the timelapse assemblage. This time very “manually”: we worked on each timelapse, processed the photos, we adjusted the assembly parameters. This takes much longer than we imagined. So far we’ve “re-built” over 200 timelapses. And we still have a few. But the good side is that now these timelapse materials look very good!
Another explanation for the delays that occur in the editing of the documentary films comes from a very experienced American editor: in the article https://dokweb.net/articles/detail/318/joe-bini-documentary-filmmaking-through -the-eye-of-an-editor Joe Bini (American film editor who has worked with Werner Herzog on numerous documentaries …) says, among other things: “The main difference is that it is much harder to edit a documentary It takes more time, requires more effort. With a narrative movie, you start with the script. In a documentary, it might be three months before you have something like a script: the first idea of what the story actually is.”
The revised timeline looks like this:
– This year Last Transhumance will be ready;
– Last Transhumance will go on: first at film festivals;
– then the screening for those who contributed to the crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo and crestemidei and then broadcasting will follow;
– After all this, the private links.
3. Draft 2 of Transhumance will be screened at Pelicam film festival.
This is a work in progress of the film, a draft.
But we chose to show it because Pelicam is a film festival about the environment and people, because the feedbacks now can be very useful and because Pelicam’s organizers fell in love with Transhumance and invited us very warmly to the festival 🙂
Transhumance draft 2 will be projected at the opening of the Pelicam festival: Friday 9 June at 20: http://www.pelicam.ro/stiri/cel-mai-bogat-an-in-filme-romanest-la-pelicam
Thank you!
As you know, Last Transhumance crowdfunding campaign is closed. 150 backers raised 6,070 USD together! A very warm ‘thank you’ to all those who contributed, liked, shared, tweeted, talked, tagged, and so on… ? It was very helpful.
Last Transhumance team is extremely grateful to all of you! We will keep you posted about the documentary’s next steps. And of course we’ll continue to deliver the perks.